On Motherhood....

Being a mother as an adult, is such a vast difference from being a mother as a teenager. There are things you cherish... milestones, the little things, etc. As a young mother, I didnt appreciate them like I do now. Zoe kind of got the shaft in that aspect. She definitely didnt get the attention she could have. I didnt fawn all over her, showing pictures to the world and telling everyone about her poop. Despite that fact, she turned out to be a pretty awesome person (although, as most teenagers are.. snotty. lol) I couldnt imagine my life without her.

Everything Olivia does, absolutely amazes me. From getting her first tooth (of which there are now EIGHT), to rolling over, crawling, standing up on her own, etc. Every little thing, is a cause for celebration for me, and I feel like my heart is just going to explode from so much pride and happiness.

Everyday, is the most amazing day of my life... as I watch her grow and understand the complexities of the world around her. Someone once told me that I was just sponging off my husband by staying home while he worked, that I had no ambition of my own.

I cant help but laugh at this comment now. As I get to witness my beautiful little girl growing and learning everyday, and getting to be part of it.... There is nothing that could drag me away from this. It's exactly where I want to be. Where I need to be.

I wouldnt give this up for the world.


  1. such good words. i know exactly how you feel! i hate when people ask when i will have a "real" job. uhhh raising up the youth right isnt a real job?! no place i'd rather be :)


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