Leavin' on a Jet Plane

Okay, okay. So that's just wishful thinking.

We'll actually be leaving in a car. For a 7-8 hour drive to my mom's house in Northern Arizona. We've taken that trip before, although olivia was still a newb and slept for most of the trip. I have a sneaking suspicion that we're not going to get away that easy this time.

She is a lot more aware of things now, and gets bored much easier. My only solace, while I'm riding in the backseat with her for hours upon hours, is that my lovely state of the art cell phone has Netflix downloaded on it. It doesnt always keep her attention here, so it may not work superb in the car either. Regardless, if she does like it, I'm sure my arm and hand are going to kill me within 20 minutes if I have to hold the thing up for her.

I wonder if we'll have any room back there anyways. It's a turnaround trip. Leaving Friday, coming back Sunday.... and I have to pack her up like we're leaving the country. It's not like I cant just run to the friendly neighborhood grocery and get whatever I forget.. because I can. I just dont want to. I like to be as prepared as I can. The amount of luggage we'll be bringing just for a tiny little 8 month old infant, is staggering. Especially heavy this time around, since the highs there will be in the 30's.

It will all be worth it though, once Olivia gets to hang out with her gramma and my hubby gets a day or two off from the 900 jobs he currently has. (Thank you baby <3 ).

Will update once we leave.. or maybe on the way home. I do have that fancy pants cell phone and all.

Hope you all have a great week!


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