
You recognize the name of that cute little fish, don't you? Many parents out there may. It's Dory from Finding Nemo. The happy, upbeat little fish that cant remember anything from 30 seconds before.

Well, essentially, that's me. My memory may last a little longer than 30 seconds, but it's frustrating none the less. I'm watching my little girl growing up. She is learning more every day, reaching so many milestones... a little faster than she should be too.

I try as hard as I can to cherish every moment. Each time I cuddle her or play with her, I say to myself  "Remember this moment forever". Everytime I hold her or rock her to sleep... every time I hear her laugh, I try to burn those memories into my brain. But I don't. I can't.

 For the past 9 months, there have been so many little moments. Ones that have made me laugh, made me happy, and even ones that made me cry with happiness.

And I can barely remember any of them. I have bits and pieces... a general idea, but I honestly have a hard time remembering these amazing moments. I know that this year is flying by in a complete blur, and most people would agree that their baby's first year goes by in the blink of an eye. Maybe it's normal. Maybe there is too much happening that it's hard to remember all of the cute moments and milestones.

No matter what the case, I feel my brain is failing me. My memory is failing me. My only hope, is that here and there, I'll get a random flash of a beautiful moment. Until then, I will continue enjoying every second with her while trying to remember everything.


  1. It's totally normal... I have a hard time remembering exactly when kade took his first step, or said his first word. I got a memory book and I'm even horrible at remembering to put it in the memory book! Lol

  2. Very normal! There are moments I remember saying"I'll never forget this moment" and when someone brings it up and says " remember when".....and I barely remember it. With my kids, with my work. As much as we want to remember every smile, every laugh, every step, there are so many memories made that all we can do is enjoy every moment. The old and new :)


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