
It's not just the terrible twos anymore. Evidently, it's the terrible ten months. Don't get me wrong. I'm pretty lucky that I have a happy baby. She'll smile at a anything and loves to give kisses. She's generally a very sweet baby. Lately though, she's starting to throw tantrums.

She seems to only want things she's not supposed to play with. She can disassemble the Wii remote within seconds, calls random numbers on my phone, and climbs up the entertainment center to play with whatever happens to be up there.

God forbid I tell her no or take something away from her. She screams like we're tearing her limb from limb. I don't exactly know when babies start understanding the concept of  "no".... but I hope it's soon. Maybe she already knows what it means, and just doesn't care. With as stubborn as her mom, dad, and sister are, she probably does.


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