Now that you've grown up....

Going off of a previous entry of talking about what I want to be "when I grow up". Do YOU like what you do? Many of us have jobs that we go to everyday, but are miserable. Personally, I sit in an office, and I process financial aid. Tons of paperwork, no human interaction, and numbers.... all day.

Some of you may go to a dealership and work on cars. Some of you may serve drinks or food. Some may go to the mall and work in retail. Is this what you imagined your life would be like? Is this where you wanted to be? Do you actually like what you do?

I personally.... do not. I am in school currently, and its been a long drawn out road but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am hoping that my career path opens up doors to something I would really like to do. What I do now isn't "rewarding". It isn't something that I wake up thinking "I'm going to make a difference today". What I'm going to school for will give me that feeling, I believe. (At least I hope so, my student loans are going to be ridiculous when I graduate), so I hope it's worth it.

What do you WANT to do with your life? Are you doing it? If you could do something you love and get paid for it, what would it be? Would you change that aspect of your life?

Today's Awesome: After the last few books I've read, I'm grateful that although we aren't rich by any means.... we have a roof over our heads. We have never had to go without a meal for days at a time. We can always put on clean, dry clothes and seek medical care if we need it. That, my friends, is awesome.


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What do you want to be when you grow up?