Tiiiiiiiime is on my side

Okay, not really.

 I constantly feel that I'd like to write someone... anyone... to make more hours in the day so that I can get done what I need to get done. I feel so overwhelmed and tired all of the time. I know that I'm no different from anyone else, especially other parents. Everyone has stuff they have to do, but my energy level is hovering around 0 as of lately.

Our daily routine is to wake up at 5... or try to, as we usually end up hitting the snooze button until 5 minutes before we have to leave. We carpool into our glorious jobs and then stay here for around 9 hours. So begins the long commute home.... and here's where things start moving at warp speed.

Walk in the door, start on dinner, pick up the mess hurricane that our toddler has left for us. Have dinner, a little playtime, then bedtime for baby. Then it's me time.... right? Buzzer. No.... then it's time to clean up the mess left from dinner, do laundry, and homework on most nights. Then on to prepping for the next day... making lunches, making sure clothes are laid out and ready, showering and then if I have the time, working out for a few minutes. We normally fall into bed exhausted around 10 or 11 if we're lucky.

Now that may not sound like a lot, but granted, we get about 2.5 hours with Liv before she goes to bed so we try to spend as much of that time as we can with her. Between 8-10/11, it's a mad dash to get everything done that we need to, and there usually isnt enough time.

Cliche as this sounds, I couldnt wait to grow up, be an adult and out on my own. Now that I am... I dont want it anymore. I miss sleeping until noon, eating junk food, talking on the phone with my friends, hanging out at the mall, etc. I don't think kids understand all of the demands of being an adult. Sure, we can go to bars and have some drinks. We can buy our own lottery tickets. Gone are the days when you have to ask someone outside of a liquor store to buy you a pack of cigarettes. We can buy our own! weeeeee. But at what cost, I ask you!?!?!

As much as I complain though, the life I have is pretty damn amazing. I have a wonderful husband who shares in all this chaos with me, and two beautiful girls who I would do anything for. All in all, I would say that the lack of sleep and exhaustion is well worth it.

Today's Awesome: It's Angie's birthday! I've known Angie since I was 17 years old (dont do the math people!) and I'm wishing her a very happy birthday today. I hope she gets everything she wants.


  1. Thank you for birthday thoughts.

    Reading this makes me miss my kids and i Am ALWAYS with them. I've been summed out lately feeling "left behind" in my education and career with home matters and financial situations.. but i guess i should feel fortunate to have them close while i can. but im sorry you that has got to duck. but i know you value every second with your family. time may change but the love doesn't.. and Olivia knows the care and love of their parents. btw.. signed into Google.. COMMENTED!!

  2. Thank you for birthday thoughts.

    Reading this makes me miss my kids and i Am ALWAYS with them. I've been summed out lately feeling "left behind" in my education and career with home matters and financial situations.. but i guess i should feel fortunate to have them close while i can. but im sorry you that has got to duck. but i know you value every second with your family. time may change but the love doesn't.. and Olivia knows the care and love of their parents. btw.. signed into Google.. COMMENTED!!

  3. Yay! You're allowed to comment! he he. HAPPY BIRTHDAY again! Wish I was there to celebrate with you. And for Angelica's coming up. Yeah.. it always sucks because you cant have it both ways. You cant get a career and education without sacrificing family time, or have family time without sacrificing everything else. It's a vicious cycle. ha ha


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