Your eyes are brown.

I'm sure my three year old came to that realization tonight and probably thought this sentence in her head. Tonight, we laid here, she cuddled me, and we had a snack and we watched tv. I pointed out things to her, sang songs with her, and we even did a little dance. The past few days, I have been focused entirely on her and my family.

See, this weekend, I saw the video that has gone viral and everyone shared. A man with a 5 minute rhyming rant about people and cell phones. Ironically, I watched all five minutes of that video. On my smart phone. Ironic as it may have been, I believe that a lot of that hit home for me. My daughter is three already. Three. She's grown, in the blink of an eye, from a tiny newborn, completely dependent on me, to an independent toddler who fights to do everything herself. Before I realize it, she's going to be off to college and I will have lost my chance to know her, to help her, to teach her.

From the time she was born, she has seen me on my phone. From taking pictures, to texting, to browsing the internet. Constantly. How many moments have I missed so far? How many smiles, how many firsts? Last week, I realize that I would get home with maybe 30-45 minutes before her bedtime, and she sat on her tablet while I browsed my phone. How does no one see how completely effed up this is?

Obnoxious as that video is, there's a truth to it. And while I'm going to have to use the phone once in a while, I plan to scale my usage back immensely. I'll still text, I'll make calls, and I'll browse social media.  While I'm with my child though, I'm going to make a conscious effort to make my family,  my number one priority.

Up until this point, YOU have always been priority, Gentle Reader. The meal you cooked today. The tooth your kid just lost. Your vacation pictures. Your rant about how bad traffic is. All this time, I was so concerned about you and your life, that I was slowly letting mine pass, and my life includes my amazing family. No offense, because your vacation pictures are really nice, and frankly I'm a bit jealous, but my toddler is way more important. Her rendition of "Do you want to build a Snowman", and the picture she just colored, completely ousted you (and should have long before).

So hopefully when I get around to checking social media late at night, I wont get bored of scrolling and I'll see your pictures. But if I don't like or comment on how amazing they are, my apologies. I'm busy making memories of my own.


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