I wear so many...

I wear a lot of hats. I can't even begin to narrow down the things that I do. For the most part, they are rewarding, and I enjoy being a mother, taxi, chef, maid, counselor, personal assistant, etc. The one that I am not fond of at the moment, is student.

I received my first degree in February of 2010. I figured I was done with school. No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks, and all that jazz... until I realized 2 things. 1. My financial aid payments were coming due, and 2. I cant do a damn thing with my degree.

So back to school I go. Granted, I go from the comfort of my own home, so half the time, I'm in pajamas, running around doing 8 hundred things while studying or working on a large project. Now that the baby is so much more mobile, it's getting difficult to concentrate. Naps are becoming a thing of the past, so I cherish what little time I have.

Generally, after 8pm is when the magic happens. Although, I cant seem to find the time or the drive to space things out and work on them over time. Evidently, I'm a procrastinator person who seems to thrive on last minute submissions for class. At least I'm getting them done. Stressed or not, I'm trucking along.

I just cannot wait until I finish this degree, because my brain is about ready to give out. I'm trying as hard as I can, but one of these days, my head is just going to go on strike.

Okay, off to do more homework. :)


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